images scanned
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photo scanning questions & answers
Q. What photo sizes can you sacn?
A. We can scan any photo up to 8.5" x 11".

Q. I have too many photos to count?
A. No worries, just give you best estimate and our scanners will give us an exact count once everything is scanned.

Q. Can you scan my photos that are in scrapbooks or photo albums?
A. We can as long as the album pages can be laid flat. There may be a service fee charged if the photos have to be removed from the pages.

Q. Is it better to scan the negative or print photo?
A. It is always better to scan the negative because it is usually in better condition and can be scanned at a higher resolution than the print.

Resolution Each Sum
File Type
Crop & Rotate
Color Correction Automatic
Media Storage DVD Sets
Backup Service
Rush Service
Estimated Total | $0.00